Senin, 03 September 2012


            This is the second assignment.It is about Paragraph. I have red and learned it but I do not understand some of them. I will explain what I have learned. The theme is paragraph. There is three papers about paragraph. First, that is Topic Sentence, second is “what is paragraph”, and the third is Seven types of Paragraph Development. I will combine the first and the second. Let’s check this out!
Topic Sentence / Paragraph  ---  What is Paragraph
            Paragraph is  not usual paragraph as I know for a long time ago. It is more. Paragraph is group of sentences which work together to convey idea, feeling and impression. Paragraph consist of three parts, they are topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence. Topic sentence is a principal point what we will write and mean. It is called theme and of course it is in the first sentence. To be good topic sentence, it should be brief, compact, clear and make the readers continue rading more and more.Supporting sentnce are group of sentenceto explain topic sentence.Supporting idea should be logical, connect with topic sentence or theme and having proof and examples.The last is concluding sentence, which is summary what we have written. We write what we mean or the key sentence.
Seven Types of Paragraph Development
            If we will write, we have to know what the paragraph type is.There are seven type of paragraphs. They are narration, exposition, definition, description, comparison, process analysis, and persuasion.
Narration is a story in the past. It has character, setting, goal, conflict, climax and resolution. Narrattion usually in the folklore and fable. As I know, narration has moral value. We get lesson from the story. Is it true?. Exposition is a paragraph which explain about something. It is only explanation and idea and not to persuade the readers to agree the writer. So the readers can be trust or not about the explanation. Definition is a paragraph which we definate something. It is not from dictionary or “according to”. So we definite it from our words, not only that but also we intrigue the readers to read and we show what they do not know. Description is a paragraph that we describe something like place, fruits, vegetables, etc. We make it clear. Make sure that we don’t tease the readers without the reason. I little don’t understand what the mean is in  the paper.Maybe I have to learn more.  Comparison is a paragraph that we compare two thing or more. First we make a list what the point that we compare like table. After making it, we describe to the paragraph according to the table. If we make something that we compare is good or bad, until the end it should be good or bad. So we have to be consistent. Process Analysis is like procedure I think. It explains how the way to do something ir how to make it. We should be sure that the readers can follow it. If possible, we make diagram or picture in order to the readers know it easily. Persuasion  is a paragraph that we make the readers agree about our opinion. So we influence the readers and we give information, analysis, proof. If we combine with their own opinion, it will make the readers are interested. The readers will be glad if we do it.
That’s all I have learned. I realize that I have to learn more and more about paragraph because sometimes I am difficult to compare it. I am sure that we can learn it and make a good paragraph. Hopefully….

2 komentar:

  1. hy din...i have read an article, and i get information that narration not only in folklore and fable but also fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, romances, horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, personal experience. i suggest you, before you publish your post, you should read your post,because you your lack of writing letters. Thanks dini, i am sorry if i have mistake.

  2. yes aini, i will check it again. Thanks for correcting me. I appreciate it. Thank you.. ;D


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